Contact the team at VEEM to get a quote on your next project
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
‘A’ Listing
A Brackets | Design and manufacture of all marine hull brackets cast in Nickel Aluminium Bronze | Bruce Mcrae 9455 9390 |
Abrasion Resistant Coatings | Coating of metal components for hardness or abrasion resistance including stellite coating and hard facing. | Filko Bavcevic 9455 9307 |
Actuators | Supply, overhaul and test of most brands of actuators | Filko Bavcevic 9455 9307 |
Agitators | Dynamic Balancing and repairs to all agitators up to 28 tonnes in weight | Martin Allen 9455 9371 |
Machining | Machining manufacture and computerised measuring of components | Glyn Young 9455 9354 |
Alignments | Alignments of couplings and shafts | Dik Hearn 9455 9374 |
Aluminium | Casting up to 1.5 tonnes in weight Machining, fabrication and TIG/MIG welding of all Aluminium | Rohan Cann 9455 9367 Glyn Young 9455 9354 |
Aluminium Bronze | Casting up to 15 tonnes in weight Machining and welding of all Aluminium Bronzes | Rohan Cann 9455 9367 Glyn Young 9455 9354 |
Nickel Aluminium Bronze | Casting up to 15 tonnes in weight Machining and welding of all Nickel Aluminium Bronzes | Rohan Cann 9455 9367 Glyn Young 9455 9354 |
Armatures | Skimming of commutators and Dynamic Balancing up to 28 tonnes | Martin Allen 9455 9371 Glyn Young 9455 9354 |
Artwork Casting | Casting of alloys for sculpture, statues or other art | Rohan Cann 9455 9367 |
Augers | Refurbishment or manufacture of Augers including balancing. | Martin Allen 9455 9371 |
Autoclaves | On or off site refurbishment and manufacture of spares | Filko Bavcevic 9455 9307 |
Automatic Welding | Building up of worn components and pipe welding by MIG, TIG and Hot Wire | Filko Bavcevic 9455 9307 |
Axial Fans | Repair, reblade, hard facing and Dynamic Balancing of all axial fans up to 28 tonnes | Martin Allen 9455 9371 |
Axles | Straightening of all car and truck axles. Shortening of Semi trailer and lazy axles | Glyn Young 9455 9354 |